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Applicant Testimonials

Katie - Primary Teacher - Leeds
After speaking with lots of other local supply agencies about beginning work with them, Alison has the kindness and support that actually makes you feel like you can do it! She is very sensitive to ...
Amy - NQT - Leeds
“I decided to begin working with an agency after being unable to secure a job within the Covid-19 climate. Alison contacted me in early September and was keen to meet with me and find about my ...
Ryan - Science Technician - London
Academics is an agency that cares about its employees. I interacted with different members of their team, and was treated with nothing but respect from the onset. They are professional, approachable ...
Amy - Quantum Scholars Teacher - Buckinghamshire
I decided to move to England to help gain some experience teaching abroad. Quantum Scholars was one of the first programs to get in contact with me, and having their help along the way helped make ...
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